Cosmic Tuning: New Moon in Capricorn
Capricorn New Moon
Unexpected - Volatile - Leap of Faith
A Cosmic Tuning for the New Moon in Capricorn at 20 degrees. This is the first lunation of 2024, and it is an intense lunar moment that will have far-reaching effects. In Capricorn, this lunation calls for a rededication to ourselves and a reframing of our desires. The ruler of this New Moon is Saturn, who is currently in Pisces, sextile to Mars in the earlier degrees of Capricorn. With this planetary connection, we can expect help and support during this time, but it may be more aggressive and assertive than gentle. This New Moon is trine Uranus currently retrograde in Taurus. This trine is a burst of energy and much-needed change, but per usual with Uranus, we can count on it being both unexpected and transformative. This Moon is square the current Aries North Node and the Libra South Node, we may feel torn between change and comfort, as well as some resistance towards the constantly shifting landscape between the self-actualization and forward charge of the Aries North Node, and the conflict, loss of relationship and desire for balance of the Libra South Node. Also, squaring Chiron, there are definite pain points in this moment, old memories or physical consequences of past abuse may come into focus. It will be important to allow ourselves to care for these in the moment. Thankfully Venus in Sagittarius is Trine Chiron, so there is a balm to this moment of harsh reality. The best way forward under this New Moon is to allow ourselves to exist in these energies without judgment or resistance. Fighting Uranus is a futile exercise, moving with them and embracing their changes can allow us to work with this moment and not against it. As always be gentle with yourself, set firm boundaries, and find something to bring into the world this New Moon, be it as simple as a doodle on a scrap of paper. Wishing you many transformative moments, now let us tune to the cosmos.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)