Cosmic Tuning: New Moon Aquarius
New Moon in Aquarius
Conflict - Resistance - Presence
A Cosmic Tuning for the New Moon in Aquarius at 20 degrees. Pluto recently entered Aquarius and this is the first time we are experiencing a New Moon in Aquarius with this powerful planet. There is deep energy around this lunation and it is not going to be a simple lunation, the depths are calling. This New Moon is in a tight square with Uranus at 19 degrees of Taurus. There aren’t any momentary solutions to this tension, we must sit with it and experience it, accept what it uncovers. Mercury though not close by degree is also squaring Jupiter in Taurus, which gives an extra edge to this lunation. Actions and thoughts need to come into alignment, and we are not quite there yet. The asteroid Vesta in Gemini offers us some comfort as it trines this New Moon. Tend to your unseen hearths, find like-minded people, and cultivate your mental landscapes. Juno retrograde is also opposed to Uranus, asking us to check our unions, and review relational contracts, to move forward we need our alliances to be more than mere contracts, they must be partnerships and collaborations, true unions. Saturn the ruler of this lunation continues to do the work it began last year when it entered Pisces, tearing down the hitherto unseen, and unmasking our fantasies and clarifying motives. This lunation is pulling us onward, ready or not. I invite you to sit in this discomfort, to not turn away from hard truths. In order to move ahead we must face what is holding us back, and deconstruct old beliefs and ways of living. While not easy, if we commit to this moment, once on the other side, we will find relief. Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)