Cosmic Tuning: Full Moon in Cancer
Cancer Full Moon
Release - Change - Understanding
A Cosmic Tuning for the Full Moon in Cancer at 4 degrees. This is the final lunation of 2023, which feels especially right considering the tarot card of this year was The Chariot which is associated with Cancer. We have been on quite a journey, taken many emotional and transformative miles from the point at which we began, and here we are, with this beautiful, momentous Full Moon. Trine Saturn in Pisces, this moon is a moment of understanding and clarity. We see the structures that have been long hidden and in this moment we get to decide which ones stay and which ones go. And with Jupiter Rx in Taurus trine the sun, we have all the insights and information we need to intuit our next steps based on a fresh understanding of our values and goals. With the great Malefic and Benific in play, this lunation feels larger than life, inviting us into the future with power and confidence. Strong in the knowledge we have gained and empowered to create the systems and structures we all know will benefit us and our communities. We of course must tear down the old, and burn it to the ground. But with this fresh clarity and understanding, we have a plan and are ready to move forward into this New Year led by our intuition that grows stronger by the day, and supported in knowing what abundance can be as we demolish old values and nurture the new. Join me as I tune to this energy, aligning us with this lunation so that we can better exist and soak up the power of this lunation.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)