Cosmic Tuning: Lunar Eclipse In Taurus
Taurus Lunar Eclipse
Endings - Revelation - Values
A Cosmic Tuning for the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This final eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis is on October 28th, at 4:23 pm EST. This eclipse finishes off a cycle that started back in 2021. By nature eclipses are chaotic, but even within the chaos, there is an energy of hope and uplift with the moon exalted in Taurus. This lunation is at 5 degrees of Taurus opposing the Sun at 5 degrees of Scorpio. Jupiter is retrograde in Taurus at 11 degrees, opposing both Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. Mars is the bringer of conflict and strife, however, in Scorpio, it also speaks of our intuition, drive, and passion. An understanding of needs and wants that goes beyond this physical world. Mars challenges Jupiter and within this aspect, asking us what we truly desire, requiring us to examine how our dreams, and needs have shifted over this ending nodal cycle. Are they the same? or have we shifted into a closer relationship with what our hearts truly desire beyond the bounds of outside expectations and external pressures and values? Mercury gives us the language and channels to understand these shifts, to express our transformation, and to appreciate our growth. Over in Pisces Saturn is retrograde at 0 degrees, sextile this eclipse and trine the sun. Ever since Saturn entered Pisces at the beginning of this year, unrecognized beliefs, coping mechanisms, and social norms have been brought into the light as Saturn tears them apart. We have had to see our hidden systems under the lens of Saturn, what ideologies have we been following blindly? What social norms have participated in unquestioning? Values are shifting across the board, embrace the enlightenment, flow with the shifts. We are being rocketed into a new age. And finally, and most importantly, hold space for yourself as this cycle ends. Honor your body, mind, and heart, as they have navigated this chaos and shifted with you, transforming, grieving, and growing. Give gratitude for all of it, and allow for any feelings of grief or sadness, this is the way of endings. And lastly, rest… you deserve to indulge in a nap or a snack. Indulge, for of course in all of this, the moon is in Taurus.
Join me, as I tune in to this vibrant lunation, tuning us to receive, and flow with the energy of the cosmos.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)