Cosmic Tuning: Eclipse in Libra
Eclipse in Libra
Justice - Rebirth - Activism
A Cosmic Tuning for the Eclipse in Libra. This wild lunation is on October 14th, at 1:54 pm EST. This eclipse is the first of the eclipses in Libra and the partner eclipse the Aries eclipse earlier this year. This moment is packed with planetary interactions, mercury is conjunct this eclipse, and opposing Chiron. The South Node at 24 degrees pulls Pluto into a square with the eclipse, bringing in themes of transformation, rebirth, and death. It is also squared to Mercury creating conditions that will force the truth to the surface, believe what people tell you at this time. This energy is a truth serum. Chiron in opposition to both the eclipse and Mercury is bringing our pain and fears into the spotlight. We must process and look into the face of our wounds to find healing and freedom. While Venus is not aspecting this eclipse, it is the ruler. Venus is locked in an opposition with Saturn bringing forth the boundaries and barriers that hide beneath the surface. Thankfully, Mars is sextile to Venus and gives much-needed access to action through self-trust and intuition. Trust your gut during this eclipse, you know what you need within this chaos. This eclipse will very likely feel incredibly overwhelming, but trust that it will be alright in the end. Justice is wielding their sword, setting things to right, balancing the scales. The things that exit your life are departing for a reason. Nodal cycles are for realignment, it is going to feel like we are spinning out of control, but the universe simply equalizing the scales. Join me for this sound bath, sink deep into this energy, knowing that it is pulling you back into the flow of the universe.
Join me, as I tune in to this vibrant lunation, tuning us to receive, and flow with the energy of the cosmos.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)