Cosmic Tuning: Full Moon in Aries
A Cosmic Tuning for the Full Moon in Aries. This Full Moon is on September 29th, 5:57am EST. At 5 degrees of Aries, this lunation is our final non eclipse before we head fully into the Aries/Libra eclipse axis. There are no planets directly connected to this lunation, however two of the asteroid goddesses are involved. Pallas Athena is conjunct the sun at 7 degrees of Libra. It reminds us that individuality exists in relationship with others, that boundaries and self protection can coexist when the relationships we have are safe. Pallas Athena is the essence of self empowerment and the claiming of our birthrights as beings in space and time. Opposing this moon, we can live both within our individuality and relationships with the same vibrancy and power. Vesta is in Cancer at 3 degrees, firmly reminding us that care and tenderness exist in power and resistance. We can be both warrior nurturer in the same breath and within the same actions. This Full Moon is the perfect moment to step into our own power and essence, for the benefit of ourselves and our community. Join me as we tune to this energy, embracing our power and individuality within our relationships, letting go of what no longer serves us and embracing what is for us.
Join me, as I tune in to this vibrant lunation, tuning us to receive, and flow with the energy of the cosmos.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)