Cosmic Tuning: New Moon in Scorpio
Scorpio New Moon
Feral - Unfettered - Shifting
A Cosmic Tuning for the New Moon in Scorpio. This is the first New Moon in Scorpio that is free of the South Node since 2021* (I miss spoke in the recording) It has been a long, transformative cycle, but now we get to indulge in this feral lunation. The Moon is in detriment in Scorpio, which while it is not considered a traditionally favorable moon, I can’t help but love its deep, ancient energy, and its wild abandon. This lunation at 20 degrees of Scorpio also has several intense aspects. Conjunct Mars, the ruler of Scorpio there is an added sense of intensity and aggression. A need for action, in a deep primal way. Follow your instincts, and trust the longing from deep within. This New Moon is also opposed Uranus retrograde in Taurus. We are called to action but may feel a desire to resist, to stay in our comforts, and habits, to deny the call to our wildest self. It may be a struggle, but there is a lovely trine to the retrograding Neptune in Pisces. Through this, we can find a way forward, beyond our inhibitions, through creation and expression. Paint, write, dance, craft, and sing. In all of it celebrate imperfection, honor truth over image, and honesty over perfection. Throw paint on a canvas, wail wordless songs to this moon, dance as your body leads, and write without thinking. It is time to shift, to embrace our next truest form.
Join me, as I tune in to this vibrant lunation, tuning us to receive, and flow with the energy of the cosmos.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)