Cosmic Tuning: New Moon in Cancer
New Moon in Cancer
Transformation - Comfort - Ease
A Cosmic Tuning for the New Moon In Cancer. This New Moon is on July, 17th at 12:39 pm EST. This lunation is at 24 degrees of Cancer. The moon is in its home sign, and this creates a sense of security and safety. However this moon is opposed Pluto retrograde, so there is a pull into the depths and a push toward rebirth, and transformation. A need to uproot and replant in order for us to find a sense of home, and create structures of safety and comfort. Thankfully, Uranus is sextile the sun and the moon providing support and encouragement in this moment of transition and change. Neptune retrograde is also trine this lunation, giving much-needed connection to our intuition. Helping us to intuit the direction we must take, parsing out needs from wants. Chiron is square this event, creating discomfort. Don’t mistake this for a closed door, with the moon in Cancer we must simply acknowledge our pain, and discomfort, to learn its lesson. While it may seem like this square is a block, it is actually reminding us of the difference between coping and true peace and safety. With this lunation, we must release the idea that all things worth having are worth striving for. Sometimes the easiest things are the most rewarding because ease is often a sign from the universe. Telling us to step into a birthright. Come with me this New Moon, on this sonic journey into ease, comfort, and safety. It is time to shift, trusting that what is meant for us will feel like home.
This cosmic tuning is tuned to the interval of a 6th. Helping us transcend any resistance or block, and move into the flow of this powerful vibration.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)