Cosmic Tuning: Full Moon in Capricorn
FULL MOON IN Capricorn
Magick - Manifestation - Desire
A Cosmic Tuning for the Full Moon in Capricorn. This Full Moon is on July, 3rd at 7:08 pm EST. At 11 degrees, this lunation is one of the most magical of 2023. With the Moon trine, Jupiter, and sextile Saturn there is both expansion and the foundation to support it. The sun is trine Saturn and sextile Jupiter reinforcing this energy and creating the flow required to sustain this transformation for the long term. Mercury though no longer in an exact conjunction with the Sun, but it still close enough to channel insight and intuition into our lives. Jupiter imparts abundance and good luck, while Saturn investigates our beliefs and conditioning, guiding us and acting as a compass for our desires. This is a wonderful time for manifestation and spiritual rebirth and growth. Also, while Neptune is not interacting with this lunation specifically, it has recently gone retrograde and is pulling back the veil and revealing our unspoken desires.
There is untold power in this vortex of energy, this cosmic tuning is here to help us align within it. Helping us to flow into this energy as we move towards our goals and dreams. Nothing is impossible with the mystical energy of Capricorn, so definitely check which house it inhabits in your natal chart.
Tuning to this energy will aid us in removing subconscious blocks, and beliefs that may be blinding us to what we truly wish to achieve. Allowing for free and unencumbered motion through the vibrations of the cosmos.
This cosmic tuning is tuned to this energy, specifically utilizing the interval of an 8th and 6th. The interval of an octave grounds us, securing our intention, while the 6ths helps us open and transcend energetic blocks. It is time to act out our dreams.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)