Cosmic Tuning: Lunar Eclipse In Scorpio
Lunar Eclipse In Scorpio
Mysteries - Shadows - Into the Underworld
A Cosmic Tuning for the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This lunation becomes exact on May 5th at 11:49 am est. This is the final eclipse in Scorpio for this nodal cycle. While we have one eclipse left in Taurus, but this is the last eclipse near the south node on this axis. This Lunar eclipse is at 14 degrees of Scorpio, the sun is conjunct Uranus the planet of disruption and change, while the moon is in opposition. This configuration exemplifies the cognitive dissonance that is inherent to change. The thrill and joy of progress usually come hand in hand with insecurity, apprehension, and a fear of the unknown.
The Mars-ruled water energy of Scorpio invites us into this unknown and requires us to face what has been just beneath the surface this entire Taurus/Scorpio Nodal journey. You can check the house these signs fall in your natal chart for deeper insight. We may face these unknowns in the subconscious, through dreams, or in our conscious world, only time will tell. It is important to note that Mercury is still retrograde in Taurus, deepening the complexity of the energies at this time. And while it is not in the orb of this event, it still clutters and confuses communication and understanding at this time. We do have aid apart from this lunation as Venus in Gemini and Jupiter in Aries are sextile, giving us a place to escape for play and fun if/when this eclipse energy overwhelms us, or it is time to set its mysteries aside for another day.
This cosmic tuning is tuned to this eclipse energy and specifically invites us to surrender to and allow this Scorpio eclipse to lead us into the shadows of the unknown of who we have been and what we are becoming.
(This is a home recording, it was raining and while NYC traffic was muted, it may still be audible. Allow these sounds to become a part of the soundscape. Surrender to the chaos)