Cosmic Tuning: Solar Eclipse in Aries
Solar Eclipse In Aries
Self-actualization - Radical self love - Returning to the wild
A Cosmic Tuning for the Solar Eclipse in Aries. On April 19th at 10:45 pm. This first eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis, and begins a new Eclipse journey. This eclipse is at 29 degrees of Aries, the most condensed and intense degree. With a full eclipse and an anaretic degree, this lunation is also led by Mars. So we will feel the full force of a full eclipse and intense Aries energy during this eclipse. This new axis is all about the transformation and embodiment of self (Aries), and the previously hidden aspects of the relationships that impact and shape us (Libra). The nodes have yet to shift from the Taurus/Scorpio so we still have one more Scorpio eclipse. However, this eclipse starts this new Nodal story with a bang, with themes of radical self-love and embracing all aspects of who we are. It is important to note that there was a new moon at 0 degrees of Aries the day after the spring equinox so look for some resolution during this lunation from that time. This Cosmic tuning is about releasing into the eclipse energy, allowing the chaos to hold us. Embrace your wildest side and sink into the energy of this eclipse through tuning to this energy. Allow this fiery force of change and transformation to carry you forward as we tune to its energy.
(This is a home recording and NYC was particularly insane the day I recorded, so please be aware that there may be outside noises. Allow them to become a part of the soundscape. Embrace the chaos)