Cosmic Tuning: Full Moon in Pisces
Full Moon in Pisces
Release - Alignment - Structure
A Cosmic Tuning for the Full Moon in Pisces. This Full Moon is on August 30th, 8:55 pm EST. This lunation is at 7 degrees of Pisces. This moon is both expansive through its rulership by Jupiter and calls us to our structures through its conjunction with the retrograding Saturn in Pisces at 3 degrees. This conjunction with Saturn is the only planetary interaction of this Full Moon and creates a simplicity that allows us to focus on the issue at hand. Which is convenient, considering Mercury retrograde is off in the farther reaches of Virgo stirring up dust. Also, in a few days Venus will station direct, and while it is not connected to this Full Moon, the themes we have been engaging with through this retrograde will be called into the forefront through the challenge of Saturn. The structures that have been shaken through this planetary dust-up are the domain of Saturn. And Saturn wants us to replace the systems that are no longer supporting and benefiting us. In Pisces, these are the structures of the subconscious and spiritual. What coping mechanisms have run their course? Which spiritual practices have enriched my life? How can I release the structures that are no longer supporting me and what can I expand and invest in that will strengthen my systems and support my dreams?
This Full Moon invites us to cleanse and welcome, come join me in tuning to the cosmos, as we attune to what this moon means for each and every one of us.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)