Cosmic Tuning: Full Moon in Sagittarius
Old stories out - Release - New stories in
A Cosmic Tuning for the Full Moon in Sagittarius. This Full Moon is on June, 3rd at 11:11 pm EST. This lunation comes a mid-Gemini season, reminding us that duality requires expansion. In order to contain multitudes we must create space for multidimensionality by letting parts of our identity that are not serving us. The moon is in Sagittarius, at 13˚, trining both Mars at 8˚and Pallas Athena at 13˚ in Leo. Sagittarius is a centaur, a knowledge seeker, and a storyteller, Mars, the planet of conflict and passion in Leo the sign of self, and personhood. This trine creates a flow between the stories we contain and how they pertain to self and self-actualization. But the little-known star of this lunation is the goddess asteroid Pallas Athena, representing the parts of ourselves that have been dismissed, unrecognized, or considered faulty or weak. The goddess asteroids represent the archetypes of the collective ignored or silenced by societal norms and the patriarchy. Pallas Athena, born from their father, Jupiter’s skull, claimed their rightful place and created their own identity and legacy in the pantheon of Greek gods. In Leo, Pallas Athena invites us to step into our rightful place through the recognition of our essential self. We are called through this trine to this Sagittarius full moon, to let go of the myths we have been told about ourselves, even the ones that may seem to validate us. Through this release of the tales we have been told, we can create space for our identity to expand. And through this expansion our understanding of who we are and our place in the world. Let us tune to this energy, letting go of these old stories, and making room for new tales of our identity, as told by us.
This cosmic tuning is tuned to this energy, specifically utilizing the interval of a 3th to encourage growth and understanding. Tune to this energy as release, letting go of the old and inviting in the new.
Reminder: Check where this lunation/planets fall in your Natal Chart for more insights.
(This is a home recording, sometimes outside sounds may filter through, allow them to become a part of the soundscape)